The HIRMEOS project (High Integration of Research Monographs in the European Open Science infrastructure), a project of the OPERAS research infrastructure ( is organizing a workshop at the ELPUB conference in Marseille on 2 June on the topic of „shaping new ways to open the book”.
We would like to invite early-career researchers to discuss their experiences and needs concerning Open Access monographs and to submit an abstract (500 words) before 15 April 2019 on one of the following topics:
. Topic 1: Not yet available services and tools which could increase the interest in publishing monographs in Open Access.
. Topic 2: Experiences with funding Open Access publications.
. Topic 3: Relevant aspects in choosing a publisher for the publication of a scholarly monograph.
. Topic 4: Publication’s reputation and certification of scientific quality.
. Topic 5: Role of Open Access metrics and alternative metrics data concerning monographs in the development of an academic career.
. Topic 6: Different strategies to increase the resonance of a monograph, expand the audience, create new communities and communicate with them.
Invited speakers will receive a travel grant.
More information:
You are kindly invited to spread our call for proposals among your academic networks.
-- dr Maciej Maryl Kierownik Centrum Humanistyki Cyfrowej Instytut Badań Literackich PAN [Director of the Digital Humanities Centre Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences] Nowy Świat 72 00-330 Warszawa